Being an Associate
Lay associates are women and men who wish to formally associate themselves with a religious community, their mission and spirituality.
What do Associates do?
After a period of formation, Associates make a commitment to support the charisms and mission of the religious community. Each religious community has their own formation program.
Associates live the charism of the religious community in their daily lives through their vocations as married/single individuals. They live the community’s charisms through their employment, volunteerism, prayerful support and relationships with others.
Associates are integrated into the religious community through the sharing of spiritual and organizational opportunities. This may include Worship, Community Days, Faith Sharing, Retreat Opportunities, Social Gatherings, Committees, Events and Prayer.
Associates maintain a physical presence within the community as much as possible. This would include engagement at the Mother House, places of ministry, places of worship and/or private homes. This physical presence is unifying, supportive and spiritually enriching.
Associates support ministries of the congregation through volunteerism and/or paid employment, prayer and/or financial support. This may include programs or organizations sponsored or hosted by the religious community (Schools, hospitals, social service programs, advocacy programs). It also may include programs or organizations with current or prior connections to an individual or group of community members.
Associates participate in community events, both in person and virtually, to develop supportive relationships.
Associates seek opportunities to carry on the charisms of the founders. These opportunities are evangelistic, bringing the love of Christ to others through the use of their God given gifts and talents in the spirit of the founders.