Thinking outside the box
This is a box covered in red tape.
This is many of us, trapped in the box, covered in red tape.
This is many of us, trapped in the box, covered in red tape, wondering how we can get out.
It is now time - time to find a way to cut the red tape and start thinking outside of the box.
Even as it seems that the world is falling apart and no one is doing anything about it, there is an energy flowing from the Spirit that is leading us to new ways of being, doing and thinking. Our ways of leading and serving are changing by necessity, but rather than despair, we find hope in the promise of the Risen Christ who is walking with us on this challenging journey.
We are coming to understand that we truly are the Church. All of us who were baptized were enlightened and empowered to participate in the mission of the Church. Yet, we have remained comfortable, secluded in a box that has been secured with red tape that keeps things as they always have been, but limits our ability to think creatively and interact collaboratively.
The synodal process that has evolved over the last several years has cut that red tape and given us the opportunity to leave that box where we have been so comfortable. We have been invited and challenged to come out of that perceived place of safety into the open, where we can authentically use our gifts for the mission of the church. As People of God, we are being called to communion, participation and mission. We don’t know what that will look like, but now that we have been given the chance to be heard. we must step outside of our boxes and speak.
As Associates, we are in the midst of transformation. We have questions about sustainability, structure, leadership and membership. We have talked about how our charisms fit with the mission of the church. We have also talked about the door being opened with these new opportunities waiting. But many of us are hesitant to walk through this door because we are afraid of what will be asked of us when we find ourselves in those wide open spaces. We need to remember the words of Jesus as he commissioned his disciples: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations. . .behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19,20) Be not afraid - fear not!
And so here we are, outside of the box, thinking.
We find ourselves looking ahead, trusting that our relationships within our communities, our country, our world and our church will bring us to something new that is filled with hope. But that will only come if we respond to our call to action in the spirit of love, inclusion and mercy.
I love thinking outside of the box!
What about you?